Awaken your full Potential

♥-welcome to my 7 days FREE online course on youtube
embody your journey through the 7 Chakras

Unlock your full potential in just 7 days with this Chakra Awakening course.
Dive into the transformative power of yoga and meditation as you connect with each of the 7 chakras, revitalizing your energy centers and expanding your consciousness. Discover newfound stability, unleash your creativity, and ignite your self-confidence through carefully curated practices including pranayama and movement sequences. This course is your pathway to healing emotional wounds, overcoming fears, and manifesting your dreams.
Suitable for those with prior yoga and meditation experience.
Ready to begin?

Trailer on Youtube.

Are you curious to get to know yourself in a new way,
to experience more subtlety & awareness?


Do you wish to feel your inner energy centers,
your chakras, to activate them & to use them lovingly?


Do you want to bring yourself in harmony with your body & soul,
but don’t know where to start?



Beautiful, then you are at the right place. Welcome my .

It is my heart’s desire to give you all the tools for your growth & inspirational process of a blissful life. Free yourself from laziness, ignorance & disharmony,
it’s time to get to know you into depth. Completely accepting yourself, lovingly feeling what is already inside you. Bring awareness into your body, feel your energy and connect with your intuitive power source.

In this online course you have the chance to get to know your chakras in a unique way. It is a combination with activating movements and loving attentiveness.
With meditations, breathing techniques and conscious movements: Yoga.
For a holistic and sensory oriented course.


It’s time
that you reclaim your natural powers,
to blossom in your being.

7 Days – 7 Chakras at a glance ♥

Samsara / Sahasrara


« Crown Chakra »


Chakra_full_7_Shasahra_Nirvana_Holiday for the heart Salina
Day 7 Manifesting to Blossom

Visualization, planting intentions, manifestation of your dreams and goals, meditative movements

Conscious Awareness in
Spine, head

meditative flow: your breath leads the movement,
blossoming visualization meditation

Day 1 ♥ Changing Perspective

Achieving overview, see the familiar in a different way: release blockages, accept or overcome fears
*turn the world upside down*

Conscious Awareness in
Spine, abdomen, shoulders & head, brain, pineal gland

Shishumarasana (dolphin), inversion postures,
Trataka (concentrated contemplation) & eye exercises

Chakra_full_6_Anja_Holiday for the heart Salina



« Eye Chakra »




« Throat Chakra »


Chakra_full_5_Vishuddhi_Holiday for the heart Salina
Day 6 Communicate to Move into Peace

Mindfulness, accept and perceive communication within and outside of yourself

Conscious Awareness in
Shoulders, neck, eyes, head, nervous system

Virabhadrasana (Warrior), Jalandhara Bandha,
Khechari Mudra & Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean breathin),
Meditation with the 5 elements

Day 5 Breathing Love

Lovingly heal old wounds, use vibrations to relax, close and open the chest area, accept and transform depression & worries

Conscious Awareness in
Heart, chest, spine

Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Meditation),
backbends, Tandava

Chakra_full_4_Anahatha_Holiday for the heart Salina



« Heart Chakra »




« Solar Plexus Chakra »


Chakra_full_3_Manipura_Holiday for the heart Salina
Day 4 Activating your Power

Release emotions, activate inner strength, heat up abdominal muscles & activate inner fire, stimulate digestion & strengthen immune system

Conscious Awareness in

Bhastrika Pranayama (Fire Breathing),
Agnisar Kriya & Uddiyana Bandha (contraction of the abdomen),
Lion Breathing

Day 3 ♥ Opening up to Creativity & Freedom

Experience playful freedom, solve old patterns and allow new ones, activate courage, charm and self-confidence

Conscious Awareness in
Lower abdomen, hips 

same asana flow with different intensions,
Lion’s Breath, Utkata Konasana (Goddess),
Shaking Meditation

Chakra_full_2_Svadhistthana_Holiday for the heart Salina



« Sacral Chakra »




« Root Chakra »


Chakra_full_1_Mooladhara_Holiday for the heart Salina
Day 2 ♥ Grounding into safety

Feeling stability, grounding, perceiving and strengthening your base, experiencing balance

Conscious Awareness in
Lower body: feet, legs, pelvic floor & lower back

Tadasana (Mountain), Ardha Candrasana (Half Moon Pose),
Walking Meditation

You risk a transformation

exploring something out of your comfort zone

discomfort & disharmony transformed
into deep connection with your body

hightend awareness & embodied confidence

new sensations of bliss

inner spaciousness, allowing to melt into conscious aliveness

Sneak Views

chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini
chakra online course awaken your full potential, erlebe dein volles potential salina holiday for the heart meditation yoga kundalini

Awaken your full Potential

7 Chakras Aktivation Course
« Meditation ♥ Yoga ♥ Kundalini Awakening »

1 week / 7 days with 1 chakra per day
the chakra series building up on each other

13 unique video exercises

Yoga & Meditation exercises for each chakra – two daily videos
(except the last day combines yoga & meditation in one video)
35-66min/per day

If you choose to only do the Meditations – one daily video
12-35min/per day

If you choose to only do Yoga – one daily video
30-55min/per day

6 hours 6 minutes 6 seconds 😉

Free time management
My tip: Commit to practice daily for 7 days
or deepen your experience and do one chakra per week
(repeat the videos in this week as often as you like)

Suitable for those with prior yoga and meditation experience.
If you are a newcomer, you are also welcome! As well I invite you to take
as many breaks as you need and listen to your own rythm.

let’s sweat together 😉

Whole course playlist on Youtube

This course is free

If you’d like to support me financially, I’d greatly appreciate it:
Thank you 🪬

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